Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Photo Session with Aaron, Sheila and Annika Montney

October 15, 2011

Aaron and Sheila has decide that they want to have their photo session with the MVA Photography. 

So we all met at one location and went from there.
Annika, is the one of the cutest child, she was so easy to work with.
Once she saw the leaves and had SO much fun in the leaves and enjoy the time with her parents.

Also this photo session was special because Annika is expecting a new sibling on way in March, so she was pretty exciting.  We took some pictures of couples,  Family and baby on the way.  Weather was just perfect, everyone had so much fun! 

Even at end of the day, we saw a wedding parties at the same location for their photo session, It was neat to watch. Also for Annika to play around at the playground.

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Customer's Comments:
We all had a good time with Vanecia and Mike at Assiniboine Park/Duck Pond.Annika really loves what Mike did.. Put bread put to lure duck to come out of pond and be closer to Annika. She really enjoys that part!As for the picture taken at children's place, the most part she loves is to play leaves and the animal where she can sit on it. We three had a wonderful experience with u guys. We saw the pictures which are awesome!!! It shows that u took pictures that are natural, not too serious!! We loves those pictures and appreciate the talented photographers!! Thanks and will look forward to use u guys again in future!

Our Experience: It was amazing day to spend with those wonderful family and the cute little child. Nothing can replace this moments. The day, location, weather was just perfect.
Thanks again for choosing  MVA Photography's Business

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